Xiaoting Wang

Research Interests:
Current CV |
Working Papers:
- “Information Transparency and Stock Sentiment Beta” with J. Wang, T. Liu, J. Yang
- “How can Nonlinear Benchmark in Delegation Contract Affect Asset Price and Price Informativeness” with J. Sheng, Y. Yang, J. Yang
Selected Publications:
- “CEO Political Connection and Stock Sentiment Beta: Evidence from China” with J. Wang, S. Yi, H. Feng. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Volume 74, September 2022.
- “Impact of Investor Attention on Mutual Funds”, with Mingcao Li, Jian Wang, Jun Yang and Zhong-Zhong Jiang. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 14(1), 1-19, 2021.
- “Fund Sentiment Beta and Delegated Investment”, with Jian Wang, Shangkun Yi and Jun Yang. Applied Economics Letters, 28(11), 902-905, 2021.
- “How Do Mutual Funds in China Exploit Investor Sentiment”, with Jian Wang, Shangkun Yi, Jun Yang and Zhong-Zhong Jiang. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(14), 4020-4035, 2021.
- “Impact of Investor Sentiment on Mutual Fund Risk Taking and Performance: Evidence from China”, with Jian Wang, Jun Yang and Xintian Zhuang. Enterprise Information Systems, 14(6), 833-857, 2020.
- “Performance-Based Fee Contract and Risk-Taking Strategy in Asset Management Tournament”, with Jiliang Sheng, Jun Yang and Miao Li. Bulletin of Economic Research, December 2018.
- “Optimism Bias, Portfolio Delegation, and Economic Welfare”, with Jian Wang, Xintian Zhuang and Jun Yang. Economics Letters, 150, 111-113, 2017.
- “Rationalizing Irrational Beliefs”, with Geoffrey Dunbar and Ruqu Wang. Theoretical Economics Letters, 6(6), 1219-1229, November 2016.
- “External Monitoring and Dynamic Behavior in Mutual Funds”, with Jian Wang, Xintian Zhuang and Jiliang Sheng. Mathematical Problems in Engineering - Special Issue on “Nonlinear Problems: Mathematical Modeling, Analyzing, and Computing for Finance” Article ID 8098092, 2016.
- “Asymmetric Contracts, Cash Flows and Risk Taking of Mutual Funds”, with Jiliang Sheng, Jian Wang and Jun Yang. Economic Modelling, 38, 435-442, 2014.
- “Incentive Contracts in Delegated Portfolio Management under VaR Constraint”, with Jiliang Sheng and Jun Yang. Economic Modelling, 29(5), 1679-1685, 2012.
- “Competitive Entry in Ontario’s Deregulated Power Generation Industry”, with Jun Yang. Journal of Business and Economics Research, 10(2), 111-124, February 2012.
Thesis Supervised:
- "How did the Keiretsu system solve the hold-up problem in Japanese automobile industry?" Sota Ichiba, B.Sc. Honors, Acadia University, 2015.
- Pension plan reform in Nova Scotia. Mengxue Zhang, BAH, Acadia University, 2011.
- Strategic segmentation of a circular market. Jing Wang. MBE, Brock University, 2007.
- Atlantic Canada Economics Association
- Canadian Economics Association
- Industrial Organization Society
- Cooking, Hiking, Karaoke