Brian VanBlarcom

Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Current CV |
Current Research:
An Economic Impact Assessment of the Wine Industry in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.
Assessing the Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism in Atlantic Canada.
Recent Publications:
- “Heterogeneity in the Economic Impacts of a UNESCO World Heritage Designation: Evidence from Nova Scotia.” With Dr. Burc Kayahan. In UNESCO: Current Issues and Challenges, Editors: Miyako Ali. NOVA Publications, (June, 2018).
- "The Tourism Multiplier" The Sage International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism, Sage Publications(June23, 2017).
VanBlarcom, B. & Janmaat, J. (2013) “Comparing the Costs and Health Benefits of a Proposed Rail Trail.” Special issue of the Journal of Policy Research on Tourism, Leisure and Events: Advancing Healthy Communities through Tourism, Leisure and Events, 5(2), pg 2-20.
“Assessing the Potential Economic Impact of Tidal Power Development in Nova Scotia.” Part of the Acadia University’s Tidal Institute Toolkit for tidal power development.
“Cost Benefit Analysis of a World Heritage Designation in Nova Scotia,” (2012) with Dr. Cevat Kayahan, Review of Economic Analysis, 4(2)
Assessing the economic impact of a UNESCO World Heritage designation, with Dr. Burc Kayahan, Journal of Heritage Tourism, Vol.6, Iss.2, 2011.
- Cost Benefit Analysis of World Heritage Site designation in Nova Scotia: Lunenburg and Grand Pré, with Dr. Burc Kayahan, Conference Proceedings: World heritage and Tourism: Managing the Global and the Local. Quebec City, June 2010.
- Assessing the Incremental Economic Impact of An Indoor Soccer Facility on a Local Economy, in International Sport: A Research Synthesis,Christos Anagnostopoulos editor. Published by the Athens Institute for Education and Research, May 2010.
- The Impact of All Terrain Vehicle Access on Demand for a Proposed Trail, with John Janmaat. In Managing Leisure, Volume 14, Issue 1 , January 2009.
Thesis Supervised:
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis - James Kyte, "UNESCO World Heritage Site Visitation in Nova Scotia: Determinants of Tourist Expenditures and Economic Impacts." (Completed April, 2016)
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis – Connor Thompson, "An Economic Impact Analysis of the Wine Industry in Kings County, Nova Scotia"(Completed April, 2015).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis - Hannah Main, A Benefit/Cost Analysis of Constructing Bicycle Lanes in Truro, Nova Scotia (Completed April, 2013).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis - Co- Supervisor (with Dr. Kayahan), Ethan Purdy, An Economic Impact Assessment of a UNESCO Designation in Eastern Canada (Completed April, 2013).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis - Co- Supervisor (with Dr. Paul Hobson): Qian Wang, A Comparison of the Tax Systems in Canada and China. (Completed October, 2012).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis - Co- Supervisor (with Dr. Paul Hobson): Yutong Zhang, Is a Carbon Added Tax Preferable to A Carbon Tax for Canada? (Completed October, 2012).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis – Andrew Williams – Honours Thesis Economics - An Examination of the Canadian Mortgage Broker Industry (completed March 2010).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis – Adam MacLeod, Assessing the Economic Impact of a UNESCO World Heritage Designation for Grand Pre (Completed April 2009).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis - Al Lebo, Wage Discrimination in the National Hockey League (Completed April, 2006).
- BUSI 4996 Honours Thesis – Paul Frazier, Hedge Fund Regulation (Completed April 2006).
- BUSI 4996 Honours Thesis – Doug Shipliow, Determinants of Success in the National Hockey League Salary Arbitration.(Completed April 2006).
- ECON 4996 Honours Thesis - Michael Ball, Economic Impact of Blomidon Provincial Park (Completed April 2004).
- ECON 4996, Honours Thesis - Kate Wagner, Estimating the Value of Paper Preservation at Acadia (Completed April 2003).
- Travel and Tourism Research Association
- International Society of Culture, Tourism & Hospitality Research
- Atlantic Canada Economics Association
- Acadia University Student Union Leadership in Teaching Award (2011/2012).
- Acadia University Alumni Award for Community Engagement, 2010
- Acadia University Student Union Teaching Recognition Award (2006/2007).
- Acadia University Student Union Teaching Recognition Award (2003/2004).
- Golf
- Reading
- Travelling