Burc Kayahan


Office Location:
BAC 345
(902) 585-1505
Marmara University,Turkey, 2000
University of Guelph,Canada, 2001
University of Guelph,Canada, 2007


Research Interests:

  • Applied Econometrics
  • Tourism Economics
  • Environmental Economics

Current CV


Courses Taught:

  • Principles of Microeconomics (Econ 1013)
  • Principles of Macroeconomics (Econ 1023)
  • Intermediate Microeconomics I (Econ 2113)
  • Analysis in Economics & Business (Econ 2613)
  • Introduction to Econometrics (Econ 2623)
  • Microeconomic Policy Issues (Econ 2823)
  • Intermediate Microeconomics II (Econ 3113)
  • Labour Economics (Econ 3313)
  • Econometrics (Econ 4613)
  • Honours Seminar (Econ 4906)

Working Papers:

  • “Community Well-being Indicators for Atlantic Canada (with S. Law, B.Watson and I. Bishop)
  • “Environmental Justice and Community Definition” (with A. Moghadam)

Recent Publications:

  • Kayahan, B., R. Klein and B. VanBlarcom. 2022. “Significance of the Cruise Tourism in Atlantic Canada Tourism.” Atlantic Canada Economic Review, 3(1)
  • Kayahan, B., S. Law, I. Bishop, and B. Watson. 2021. “Relative Rankings of Communities in New Brunswick Using Community Well-Being Indicators from the Census.” Atlantic Canada Economic Review, 2(1)
  • Moghadam, A., and B. Kayahan. 2019. “Hedonic housing prices and the marginal willingness to pay for pollution abatement in Ontario, Canada.” International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences 8(4): 32-41.
  • Kayahan, B., B. VanBlarcom, and R. Klein. 2018. “Overstating Cruise Passenger Spending: Sources of Error in Cruise Industry Studies of Economic Impact.” Tourism in Maritime Environments 13(4): 193-203.
  • Kayahan, B., and B. VanBlarcom. 2018. “Heterogeneity in the Impact of UNESCO World Heritage Designation.” In UNESCO: Current Issues and Challenges, edited by Miyako Ali, 71-95, New York: NOVA Science Publishers (ISBN: 978-1-53613-897-9)
  • Moghadam, A., and B. Kayahan. 2016. “What influences the pattern of pollutant releases? An investigation of firms’ siting and households’ sorting decisions in Ontario, Canada.” Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 60(4): 743-754.
  • Kayahan, B., and B. VanBlarcom. 2012. “Cost Benefit Analysis of World Heritage Site designation in Nova Scotia.” Review of Economic Analysis 4(2): 247-273.
  • VanBlarcom, B., and B. Kayahan. 2011. “Grand Pré National Historic Site: An Economic Impact Assessment of a UNESCO World Heritage Designation.” Journal of Heritage Tourism 6(2): 143-164.
  • Caponi, V., B. Kayahan, and M. Plesca. 2010. “The Impact of Aggregate and Sectoral Fluctuations on Training Decisions.” The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 10(1) (Advances) Article 28
  • Kayahan, B., and T. Stengos. 2007. “Testing the capital asset pricing model with Local Maximum Likelihood methods.” Mathematical and Computer Modelling 46: 138-150.
  • Kayahan, B., and T. Stengos, B. Saltoglu. 2002. “Intra-day Features of Realized Volatility: Evidence from an Emerging Market.” International Journal of Business and Economics 1(1): 17-24.


  • Kayahan, B., 2007. “Nonparametric Estimation of Propensity Score with Local Likelihood”
  • Kayahan, B. 2006. “Private Returns to Training in Canada”

External Grants:

  • SSHRC Institutional Grant: “Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism in Atlantic Canada” (with R. Klein, B. VanBlarcom, R. Moir and J. Stevens) June 2017 - $2,788
  • Collaborative Applied Research in Economics (CARE) Grant, MUN: “Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism in Atlantic Canada” (with R. Klein, B. VanBlarcom, R. Moir and J. Stevens) - $30,000 – April 2017
  • Collaborative Applied Research in Economics (CARE) Grant, MUN: “Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism in Atlantic Canada” (with R. Klein, B. VanBlarcom, R. Moir and J. Stevens) - $27,500 - November 2015
  • Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network (CLSRN) Grant: “Training Under the Business Cycle” (with V. Caponi, and M. Plesca), 2008 - $21,000

Theses Supervised:

  • Douglas Spafford (2017), “Social Capital and the Wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples in Canada” This thesis was chosen as a finalist in the Student Panel organized by the Atlantic Association of Applied Economists
  • Connor Thompson (2015), “The Economic Impact of Wineries in Kings County” This thesis was chosen as a finalist in the Student Panel organized by the Atlantic Association of Applied Economists
  • Ethan Purdy (2013), “An Economic Impact Assessment of UNESCO World Heritage Designation in Eastern Canada” (co-supervised with Brian VanBlarcom)
  • Ashley Zarzecki (2013), “Household Energy Consumption in the United States” This thesis was chosen as a finalist in the Student Panel organized by the Atlantic Association of Applied Economists
  • Robyn Zajac (2012), “Crime Rates and Economic Factors in Canada” This thesis won the Atlantic Association of Applied Economists Student Prize for Economic Policy.
  • Nick Broz (2011), “Overheating in the Canadian Housing Market” (co-supervised with Scott Skjei) This thesis won the Atlantic Association of Applied Economists Student Prize for Economic Policy.
  • William Turner (2011), “Cost-benefit Analysis of a Natural Gas Lateral Pipeline to the Annapolis Valley” (co-supervised with Scott Skjei)
  • MengXue Zhang (2011), “Canadian Pension System: Problems and Reform” (co-supervised with Xiaoting Wang)
  • Adam Macleod (2009), “Grand Pré National Historic Site: An Economic Impact Assessment of a UNESCO world Heritage Designation” (co-supervised with Brian VanBlarcom) This thesis won the Atlantic Association of Applied Economists Student Prize for Economic Policy.


  • Atlantic Canadian Economics Association (ACEA)  (Board Member, 2007 to present) (Vice-President, 2011 to 2013) (President, 2013 to 2017) (Past-resident, 2017 to 2019)
  • Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network (CLSRN)
  • Canadian Economics Association (CEA)


  • Winner of the 2010 Kenneth J. Arrow Prize for Junior Economists by BE Press
  • Nominated for Forster’s Medal by the College of Social & Applied Human Sciences, University of Guelph (2008)
  • “Professor of the Year” award in the Business Program, University of Guelph-Humber (2003, 2004, 2007)
  • College of Social and Applied Human Sciences Teaching Award (2004), University of Guelph
  • Received 4.77 out of 5.0 for “General All-Round Teaching Ability” on the Course Evaluation as a sessional instructor in the Business Program of the University of Guelph-Humber


  • Soccer, Camping
  • Boardgames: Anachrony, 7th Continent, Spirit Island, Clans of Caledonia, Gloomhaven, Trickerion, Yedo
  • Roleplaying Games: Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer